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About the Program

The fellowship is an ACGME accredited fellowship designed to provide physicians with advanced knowledge and skills in the field of medical toxicology. This fellowship is pursued after completing a primary medical subspecialty residency.

Duration: The fellowship program spans two years, starting in July

Clinical Training: Fellows gain hands-on experience in the evaluation, management, and treatment of patients with toxicological emergencies. They work closely with Faculty and become proficient in handling a wide range of toxic exposures, such as drug overdoses, poisonings, occupational exposures, and environmental toxins. 

Didactic Curriculum: Fellows participate in a structured didactic curriculum that includes regular conferences, lectures, seminars, and case discussions. These educational activities cover topics such as clinical toxicology, pharmacology, poison control, environmental toxicology, occupational toxicology, forensic toxicology, and research methodology.

Research Opportunities: Fellows are encouraged to engage in research projects, present their findings at conferences, and publish in peer-reviewed journals. Fellows are provided with opportunities to attend major national conferences including North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology and American College of Medical Toxicology’s Annual Scientific Meeting. 

Teaching Responsibilities: Fellows are provided with teaching opportunities, including providing toxicology education to medical students, residents, and other healthcare professionals. They may also be involved in toxicology-related quality improvement initiatives.

Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Medical toxicology fellowship programs often foster collaboration with other specialties and departments, such as emergency medicine, critical care, pharmacology, occupational health, and public health. This multidisciplinary approach helps fellows gain exposure to different perspectives and enhances their ability to manage complex toxicological cases.

Board Eligibility: Successful completion of the fellowship program allows graduates eligible to take the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) Medical Toxicology Certification Examination.