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Dean's Office

The Dean's office provides leadership across the School of Medicine and Dentistry's programs. The office's role includes the development of strategic goals pertaining to the schools mission, faculty recruitment and development, and management of the school's budget and oversight and support to the programs and services within the school. The dean's office directory provides an overview of the School of Medicine and Dentistry leadership structure.

Registrar Office

The Medical School Registrar's Office manages and maintains all academic records of all active and former medical students. This office is responsible for the registration of medical students and the management of their academic schedules and grades. All verifications of attendance, satisfactory academic programs, transcript requests, USMLE applications and graduated student request are processed through the Medical School Registrar's Office. This office also coordinates requests from visiting medical students from LCME accredited medical schools and approved osteopathic schools to participate in clinical electives.

Bursar's Office

The Office of the Bursar oversees the payment and billing of tuition, the office can provide you with detailed information on tuition (e.g. tuition policies, fees, billing procedures etc.) The office oversees students in the medical school and graduate students.

Financial Aid Office

The Financial Aid Office is committed to providing quality services to meet the needs of a diverse student population by offering financial resources and services to promote access to education and enhance student success by assisting in financing an education at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Our office serves MD, graduate, and Eastman Institute of Oral Health students by assisting them in finding ways to meet the associated costs of attending the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Office of Curriculum and Assessment

The role of the office of curriculum and assessment is to:

  • Provide leadership and collaborating with faculty, staff, and students to plan, implement, and revise the curriculum.
  • Compile valid, reliable and useful data on the processes and outcomes of teaching and learning.
  • Undertake and support scholarship and educational research about methods, assessment, teaching, and learning in medical education.
  • Monitor national trends in medical education and instructional methods and technology.