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Study of Ecopipam Tablets for Tourette's Disorder in Children, Adolescents and Adults

Research Question:
Does a drug called, Ecopipam, help people with Tourette's Disorder?

Basic Study Information

Tourette’s Disorder (TD) is a neurological disorder characterized by motor or vocal tics that begin in childhood and persist over time. Motor tics can include such things as eye-blinking, facial grimacing, mouth movements, head jerks, shoulder shrugs and arm/leg jerks. Vocal tics are fast meaningless sounds or noises, and include such things as sniffing, throat clearing, grunting, barks and squealing. This study will determine if people with Tourette's Disorder who take Ecopipam for 8 weeks and see an improvement in tics, relapse when Ecopipam is slowly stopped. There will be a control group that will receive placebo. You may be eligible to join if you are 6 years of age or older, have a Tourette's diagnosis and have motor and vocal tics that impair normal daily routines.

Location: University of Rochester
Study Reference #: STUDY00007909

Lead Researcher (Principal Investigator)

Lead Researcher:  Jennifer Vermilion

Study Contact Information

Study Coordinator: Nicole Walsh, PNP
Phone: (585) 273-2891
Email: TicStudyGroup@urmc.rochester.edu

Additional Study Details

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