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Understanding auditory processing disorders in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder or ADHD

Research Question:
What are the processing differences in the brain that can cause some children with autism, ADHD, or both to have trouble understanding speech in noisy environments?

Basic Study Information

The study uses EEG (electroencephalogram), virtual reality (VR), and cognitive testing. Children are asked to participate in two sessions (~3hrs each). Children are given several breaks during the sessions. In the 1st session, children wear an EEG cap and VR headset. They view three characters in virtual reality and are asked to press a button when the character in the middle says a target word. While the child is doing the VR-EEG, we also ask parents to fill out questionnaires about their child. In the 2nd session, we involve the child in a series of cognitive and behavioral tests that measure things like IQ, language processing, executive function, and social communication. Parents can receive a report of the testing results from this 2nd session if they choose. Children receive $18hr per hour for participating. There is an additional parent stipend of $25 per session. Children must be 7-12 years old. Children with typical development and those with autism and/or ADHD can participate in the study. Children must have normal hearing, normal or corrected-to-normal vision, no neurological disease, no history of head injury or psychosis. They must have fluent verbal ability and average or above intelligence for this study. We also ask that Typically Developing Controls do not have a personal history of developmental disability and do not have a parent or sibling with autism.

Location: Â鶹ÊÓƵ-CABIN building
Study Reference #: STUDY00007832

Lead Researcher (Principal Investigator)

Lead Researcher:  Emily Knight

Study Contact Information

Study Coordinator: Nishant Dinesha
Phone: (585) 274-2581
Email: SpectrumBrainLab@urmc.rochester.edu

Additional Study Details

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