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Lung Health Cohort

Research Question:
Why do some people develop lung disease and others do not?

Basic Study Information

Because lung function reaches its peak level between the ages of 25-35 years old, we are beginning our study with people only in this age range. If you are in this age range and have no history of chronic (i.e. long-lasting) lung diseases - other than mild asthma - and no history of cardiovascular disease, you may be eligible to join this study. This study involves a combination of in-person exams (during a single visit), at-home tasks, and remote contact (via video conference, text message, email, phone, or mail). During the in-person visit, we will test your lung function, take images of your chest (CT scans), and ask you to provide biospecimen samples (blood, urine, and nasal samples). There is an at-home portion to this study where you will wear an activity monitor for one week, and you will perform breathing tests at home. We will follow-up with you remotely every 3 to six months (up to 4 times per year) until the end of the study.

Study Web URL: 
Study Reference #: STUDY00005395

Lead Researcher (Principal Investigator)

Lead Researcher:  Sandhya Khurana

Study Contact Information

Study Coordinator: Marcus Dalfonso
Phone: (585) 276-7296
Email: lhc@urmc.rochester.edu

Additional Study Details

Number of Visits:  1
Parking:  Reimbursed
Reimbursement:  Yes
Payment Details:  $150 plus a tablet for completion of baseline activities. $50 every 6 months for completed follow-up, up to $200.

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