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One of those principles is sharing findings with community partners and stakeholders. At its 2009 retreat, the Community Advisory Council met with 鶹Ƶresearchers to discuss how to best share research findings with the community. This document shares the results of that discussion. It is intended to help researchers include our local community in plans to share their research findings. The Center for Community Health and the 鶹ƵCommunity Advisory Council are ready to assist researchers with community linkages and input for specific projects. What to Communicate: ___ Research findings (including negative or inconclusive results) summarized for the lay person ___ What the findings mean to individuals and the community ___ Context for this research (e.g. need for this research, related research) Consider Sharing Findings With: ___ Study participants and their families ___ Community organizations working in the subject area ___ Community organizations serving or representing the affected population ___ Community coalitions addressing health disparities ___ Health care clinicians serving the affected population ___ Policy makers ___ Teachers/Educators ___ Health/Public Health Departments ___ Funders How to Share Findings: ___ Media (TV, radio, newspapers) ___ Websites, blogs, v-logs, list serves ___ Organizational newsletters (neighborhood groups, schools, etc.) ___ Presentations to organizations ___ DVDs ___ Brief handouts/flyers Who Can Share Findings? In addition to the researchers, participants, parents, clinicians and teachers can be trained to share findings, and can be credible spokespeople with an audience of their peers.     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